Posts in Perspectives
Advance the digital savviness of the board

A recent MIT Sloan report shows digital competence within the board helps longterm success. The respondents consider innovation and strategy to be closely tied with digital savviness, both areas needed to survive. As we work with nominating committees to assess what they need and how to find it, we hear requests of digital experts but they often come up short when asked to define this need for their particular situation.

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Add your perspective on the Executive & Board search business

Alumni is growing! Right now, we are looking for two new Research Consultants to join our offices in Malmö and Stockholm. Research within Executive and Board search can be considered a fine art and sometimes a challenging task. We sat down with Nordic Research Manager Louise Brondin Månsson, to hear her describe the role and what it takes to become a Research Consultant at Alumni.  

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How to create a culture of sustainability

Can the board of directors alone solve the issue of corporate sustainability? No, says Lena Bjurner, Head of HR and Sustainability director at Scandic Hotels Group. On the contrary, the best ideas are often found when you involve the entire organisation and focus on solving real-world problems.

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Four female voices on leadership

Today we hear and see how the media around the world celebrates International Women's Day. It is a day where female achievements and empowerment is brought forward a little extra. And what better way to empower women than to shine a light on a few of our own female leaders at Alumni!

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Inject digital DNA to power up the boardroom

The idea of digital transformation makes people tremble. It may feel elusive and even frightening. But it doesn’t have to be. By recruiting people with a digital DNA to your board, you can fill two needs with one deed: enhanced performance throughout your organisation and increased diversity.

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Why a disruptive market demands unified leadership

The days of stable and predictable markets are long gone. One of many consequences is a change in leadership requirements. It’s no longer possible for a solitary, strong leader to have all the data to make informed decisions by themselves. Instead we depend on the diversity of expertise and perspectives that naturally comes from a dynamic group.

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Tech leadership is a delicate balance

The Harvey Nash Tech Survey 2019 is out. From a leadership perspective, it’s packed with useful findings. It’s not all pleasant reading, but it just might help you improve. Since 2013, The Harvey Nash Tech Survey has dug deep into data of the tech sector.

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It’s never too late to give up – in order to succeed

Does hard work always pay off? In some cases, definitely yes, in others, not necessarily. If you look at Noble Prize winners for example, the one thing that stands out that many of them have in common is persistence – as many of have put in a lot of hard work in a subject, despite of being told that their research was a dead end.

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7 key attributes of a digital leader

What are the key attributes that matter most for leaders in a fast-changing, digital world? In some ways digital leadership does not differ a lot from change leadership, as it entails a great deal of driving change in behavior. In other ways it is a leadership facing challenges never before encountered, demanding an explorative mindset like never before.

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