7 key attributes of a digital leader
7 key attributes of a digital leader
What are the key attributes that matter most for leaders in a fast-changing, digital world?
In some ways digital leadership does not differ a lot from change leadership, as it entails a great deal of driving change in behavior. In other ways it is a leadership facing challenges never before encountered, demanding an explorative mindset like never before.
It is a leadership moving us into a new way of thinking and behaving – defined by the post industrialized, knowledge sharing and globalized world. It is a leadership securing context and relationships and at the same time consistently challenging boundaries and state of minds, using technology in an agile way as a tool.
The digital leader is able to balance an active leadership, which provides direction and support, with a leadership that is open to handing over considerable responsibility and power. With similarities to servant leadership, the digital leader ensures that employees connect with the right people, that knowledge is continuously and seamlessly shared, that teams are gathered around tasks and results, and that key is trust. Digitalisation is to a great extent about people and their behaviors, and the digital leader knows that.
7 Key attributes of the digital leader
Olof Franck