Leadership or lack of it, can make or break an organisation and as such deserves to be a focus for all companies that are looking to get better at what they do. This article looks at how competent personality assessment coupled with business expertise will help to remove bias, avoid groupthink, and get the right character for the role.
Read MoreWhen we think of diversity in the workplace, we tend to think of the surface level attributes of gender, race, and other protected characteristics. However, truly deep diversity is about the skills and perspectives distilled from experiencing different upbringings, cultures, educational systems and careers. Truly diverse teams can challenge company strategy, products and preconceived notions with their unique viewpoints.
Read MoreErwin Schrödinger’s famous thought experiment described a cat locked in a steel chamber, wherein the cat’s survival was dependent on a radioactive atom. Schrödinger felt that a theoretical feline being in a quantum superposition was not very representative of the world we live in. It seems that quantum mechanics is not the only field of study where quantum superpositions seemingly appear. Since economic theories don’t serve us in abnormal times, leaders need to apply alternative tactics in guiding their organizations.
Read MoreI’ve been playing computer games for almost my whole life. The early games taught me English as I tried to play them with a dictionary at hand. Next, I learned to become inherently interested about how computers work. The more skills we have, the more likely we are to be able to apply cross-functional understanding in solving problems. To truly master a wide spread of skills, we should pay much more attention to skills individuals learn outside the formal education and work. Here you’ll find my list of skills learned through gaming.
Read MoreOur working lives have been changing for a while now, but the emergence of the pandemic has accelerated these changes. Technology may have enabled us to keep our jobs but not without a potential social cost to our workplace interactions.
Read MoreWe interviewed Leif Johansson, Chairman of AstraZeneca, and well-known Swedish business executive, in May and here we share his thoughts on the role of a successful non-executive and leadership in times of crisis.
Read MoreWhat are the immediate challenges facing organisations, what can they expect going forward, and how can we build the new normal that is in some parts already here? This report reflects insights on how organisations and their people have been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, representing the views of many industries and different organisational sizes.
Read MoreWork-life-balance often feels too tricky and abstract to discuss in during recruitment processes. Still, it is especially important to discuss when recruiting or applying for a job. Here is concrete advice on how to handle the topic of balancing work and own time in recruitment, executive search as a recruiting supervisor or candidate.
Read MoreThomas Hietto, deputy CEO at Caverion, is navigating the megatrends of sustainability and digitalisation of the buildings we live and work in, but also the whirlpool of a global pandemic. Thanks to decisive action and active leadership, Caverion has been able to manage the situation at hand remarkably well. In managing what Thomas calls the first phase of the pandemic and its effects, three distinct practices, all part of a longer-term development of Caverion leadership have played a crucial role.
Read MoreThe Coronavirus has had a huge impact on all organizations – big and small, international and domestic. Some are struggling seriously while some are continuing with their business pretty much as before. The key issue now is what makes companies operating in an open, global market successful. What gives them fuel to reinvent themselves? What gives them energy to evolve continuously?
Read MoreNedan har vi intervjuat några av de interims konsulter vi samarbetet med under åren. Här delar dem med sig av deras vardag, deras syn på ledarskap och interim management.
Read MoreIn a time when some businesses are forced into pivoting their models and processes, reorganising personnel and restructuring their organisations there is a need for solid advice and competent guidance to get things right. Åsa Lögdberg, Head of Interim at Alumni sees many companies turn to interim managers for help and expertise.
Read MoreNot too long ago I had a chat with board professional and several times nominated most influential woman in Finland Maija-Liisa Friman. She shared her thoughts, experiences and advice for board work during COVID-19.
Read MoreIt’s not hard to imagine a future where virtual working will dramatically increase and where leaders are faced with the complexity of managing remote working teams. Leading teams with very little, if any, traditional face-to-face interactions is surely a skill that leaders quickly need to grasp in these times. Who is successful today and to where do we look to quickly get up to speed? Our colleague Heikki Otsolampi shares his thoughts in this first of a series of articles, on why it’s important to look for insights and experience in places you might not have looked before.
Read MoreAt Alumni we pride ourselves in being on the pulse. Lately we had a talk with Juha Väre, CFO at Paulig Group. He shared his positive takeaways in these tough times. As a CFO Juha has had to get much closer to the operative business due to the current circumstances including an increased focus on detailed, up-to-date operational data.
Read MoreWill the COVID pandemic be a crisis that forces some fundamental development in digitalisation of service delivery, marketing and sales to compensate for a near complete lack of face to face sales, marketing and in some industries the very consumption of the product or service?
Read MoreFor us working in recruitment the CV remains an important piece of the puzzle to help match the right candidate to the right job. And for our clients, it's an opportunity to get a first introduction of potential candidates. So, for those who are actively looking for new challenges, or for those who want to be prepared when the recruiter comes calling - here are some tips!
Read MoreIn the wake of the Corona pandemic leaders are keen to see concrete examples of what works and what doesn’t to lessen the impact of this crisis. Alumni Consultant and Manager Malin Samuelsson recently caught up with Christian Carlsson, SVP HR at Gunnebo to find out more about how they are tackling this multifaceted crisis.
Read MoreAlumni psychologist and leadership expert Johan Östlin shares practical advice on what company leaders can do to rally their teams and harness the positive attitudes that come out in people during a time of disruption.
Read MoreAs we approach International Women’s Day, I wanted to take a few moments to reflect on how far we have come in terms of diversity and inclusion – and how much further there still is to go.
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